Build wood scaffold brackets for ladder
Build wood scaffold brackets for ladder

build wood scaffold brackets for ladder

Site-built wall brackets can be custom-made to fit your wall framing (these are sized for my 12″ thick Riversong Truss walls and are “ambidextrous”) and require only two clamps per bracket to hold them securely in place (I would not use them on anything less than 2×6 studs on single walls). And watch out for that “2 inch heart attack” where two planks overlap. Just make sure that vertical legs are well footed and cross-braced and that planks have positive stops or are clamped or nailed in place. If you can nail to the sheathing or to window rough openings, there’s all kinds of options for exterior scaffolding, either with vertical ground posts or triangulated back to the building. I’m still using these ponies 8 years later. I often prefer to build them 24″ tall – what I call “saw ponies” – as they are more useful and versatile than standard 30″ horses. Simple, site-built sawhorses are often the first thing built at any job-site, and they can double as scaffold horses. Testing the Strength of My Building Class’s First Project

Build wood scaffold brackets for ladder